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Trench drain filters provide solution for new or retrofit construction. Fabco Industries, Inc, a leader in stormwater management, provides custom evolved stormwater solutions to treat problems at the source. We design and manufacture high-performance stormwater filter systems, such as our Trench Drain Filter, for various treatment applications including retrofits, new construction, and green infrastructure.



Fabco’s Trench Drain Filters are one of many innovative products designed for both commercial and residential use. The Trench Drain Filters are highly effective, easy-to-install stormwater filter designed to fit a wide range of flat-bottomed, trench drain inlets. The simple design traps the common sediment, trash, and debris within the trench while allowing the pretreated runoff water to pass through the trench drain filter and exit through the storm drain system.




 Trench Drain filters



A trench drain is a specific type of floor drain characterized by long length and narrow width that require trench drain filters. They are optimized for rapid evacuation of surface water with the cross-section of the drain being designed for the anticipated water flow. When strategically positioned across an open area. Trench drain’s intercept excess rain water flowing across the surface to prevent accumulation and then diverts it to safer collection area. Trench drains can vary from 1 inch to 2 feet in width, with depths that can reach 2 or more feet.



Fabco’s Trench Drain Filters are comprised of one or more perforated metal square tubes called debris shields and a Bypass hood assembly.  The perforated debris shield also encloses are placeable oil absorbent product for treating the water.




Fabco Industries Trench Drain



During normal operation, surface water entering the trench drain grate falls to the bottom of the channel and flows towards the outlet pipe. To effectively treat this flow of water, the Fabco Trench Drain Filter is installed a few inches in front of the outlet pipe, positioned to intercept and treat the full flow.



If you think Febco’s Trench Drain Filter may be the perfect evolved solution for your stormwater problem, please contact us today. Click here for complete specifications and a further description of the product.




Trench drain filter
Stormwater Reference Information
It is frequently desirable that stormwater treatment systems be designed to include a combination of BMPs in series to achieve the required pollutant removal efficiency. This concept is called the “BMP Treatment Train”. However, treatment efficiencies of BMPs in series must account for the reduced loading transferred to subsequent downstream treatment devices. After treatment occurs in the first system, a load reduction has occurred which is a function of the type of BMP used to provide treatment. After load reduction in the initial BMP, the remaining load consists of pollutant mass which was not removed. This mass is then treated by the second BMP with the nutrient reduction efficiency determined by the particular type of BMP used. As stormwater pollutant concentrations are reduced in each BMP in the treatment train, the ability of a BMP to further reduce stormwater pollutant concentrations and loads is reduced. The treatment efficiency used for downstream BMPs must account for the diminishing effectiveness of stormwater treatment. Examples of how to calculate the overall pollutant load reduction effectiveness of a BMP Treatment Train, including where there are multiple inflow locations, are contained in the Design Example sections of this Handbook. Additionally, examples are provided in the Design Example sections when multiple wet ponds and multiple dry retention basins are used in series.
Oil and Grease Control Systems that receive stormwater from areas with impervious area that are subject to vehicular traffic must include a baffle, skimmer, grease trap or other mechanism suitable for preventing oil and grease from leaving the stormwater treatment system in concentrations that would cause a violation of water quality standards. Designs must assure sufficient clearance between the skimmer and concrete structure or pond bottom to ensure that the hydraulic capacity of the structure is not affected. A typical illustration of a skimmer on an outlet structure. .
Hazardous or Toxic Substances Systems serving a land use or activity that produces or stores hazardous or toxic substances shall be designed to prevent exposure of such materials to rainfall and runoff to ensure that stormwater does not become contaminated by such materials. Such land uses may not be appropriate for certain BMPs such as retention basins to minimize introduction of such materials into the ground water.