Fabco Industries Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions
At Fabco Industries, we know that finding the right solution isn’t always easy, but we’re here to help! This page will take you through various problems people face every day when it comes to trash and debris in our stormwater, and offer an appropriate solution for their needs. Trash and debris that is improperly disposed of – either intentionally or inadvertently – can enter fresh water and coastal ecosystems. This “aquatic trash and debris” may eventually make its way to the ocean. Trash and debris have become a pervasive problem, presenting a challenge to water quality and habitat protection, in addition to causing aesthetic blight, ecological effects, economic impacts, and possible human health risks. From simple storm drains in parking lots, to roof runoff, we aim to find a cost effective and competitive stormwater solution to every issue.
See below for trash and debris stormwater solutions fit for grated/curb inlet storm drains, roof runoff, pipes, trenches, and flumes.

Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutionsfor Storm Drains (Grated & Curb Inlets)
Grated and curb inlet storm drains are extremely common. From roadways and parking lots, to industrial sites and waste treatment facilities, municipal storm drains are found just about everywhere. We offer multiple trash and debris stormwater solutions to fit a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and storm drain types.
Recommended Products for Storm Drain Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions

StormSack BMP Geotextile Filter Bag
- Full welded aluminum frame suitable for extreme conditions or heavy-duty commercial use.
- Large volume replaceable geotextile filter bag (145 GPM/ft²).
- Custom sizes are available.
- Easily mount sack to frame using loop and rod system.
- Sack lifting tabs for easy removal when performing maintenance.
- Adjustable slotted frame with 2” of adjust range (X & Y) lets you adjust the filter size to fit real inlet dimensions and irregularities.
Click here for more information on StormSack.
Additional products to consider below:

Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutionsfor Roof Runoff
As rainwater runs off roofs, water quality can be affected by roofing material and deposited materials, so it’s incredibly important to make sure this water is being treated, especially with green roofs becoming more popular. When it comes to roof runoff, we offer both above ground and below ground trash and debris stormwater solutions in the form of our DownSpout Filter System.
Recommended Products for Roof Runoff Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions

DownSpout with StormSack Geotextile Filter Bag
- Available in Above Ground and Below Ground configurations.
- Large volume replaceable geotextile filter bag (145 GPM/ft²).
- Geotextile filter bag designs are best for high treatment flow rates when the pollutants of concern are sediment, particles, or other solid materials – excellent for protection of sub-surface infiltration devices
- Also available in perforated debris basket configuration for added durability.
Click here for more information on DownSpout Filter Systems.

Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions for Pipes
Sometimes it may not be feasible to outfit a storm drain with an entire catch basin insert filter. If you’re looking for something simpler, we offer end-of-pipe trash and debris stormwater solutions that can perfectly fit your needs in the form of our Connector Pipe Screen products.
Recommended Products for Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions in Pipes

Connector Pipe Screen LITE
- Manufactured from perforated, 14 gauge, 304 stainless steel sheets
- Perforations have a 5 millimeter diameter – screen has an open area greater than 50%
- CPS net open area (when converted to an equivalent pipe diameter) exceeds the actual diameter of the outlet pipe leaving the catch basin – CPS can pass more volume than the outlet pipe it covers
- Overflow / bypass prevents flooding if screen becomes blocked or covered
Click here for more information on Connector Pipe Screens.
Additional products to consider below:

Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions for Trenches
Trench drains are often found around urban environments, industrial sites, and large parking lots. Our trench drain filters come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to fit any trench configuration as trash and debris solutions.
Recommended Product for Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions in Trenches

Trench Drain Filter
- Modular filter designed to collect solid materials, sediments, trash, debris, as well as hydrocarbons, and nutrients.
- Available in sizes to fit wide variety of trench drain widths.
- Performs as an effective filtering device at high or low flows.
- Manufactured from perforated, 14 gauge, 304 Stainless Steel sheets, 5mm diameter perforations.
- Debris Shield is hinged for easy access and replacement of the filter media element.
- Overflow / bypass port prevents flooding.
Click here for more information on Trench Drain Filters.

Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions for Flumes
A flume is an engineered open channel drainage structure designed for moving water from one location to another in the form of an open chute with walls that are raised above the surrounding surfaces. Flumes or conveyance channels will move lots of water with very little slope and allow for the passage of sedimentation and floating debris with little loss in head pressure. The Flume ScreenBox Stormwater Filter is specially designed for use in these situations.
Recommended Product for Trash and Debris Stormwater Solutions in Flumes

Flume ScreenBox Filter System
The Flume ScreenBox Filter System traps solid materials and debris, while allowing runoff water to pass through the filter and exit to the storm drain system. It’s manufactured from welded, high strength 3000/5000 series aluminum for longevity, and features one or more easily maintained filtering bins that provide high treatment flow rates while capturing solid materials, using screens and/or a wire mesh. Flume ScreenBoxes are normally manufactured to customer specifications.
Click here for more information on Flume ScreenBox Filter Systems.
About Fabco Industries:
Fabco Industries is a leader in stormwater management. We design and manufacture high performance storm water filter systems that are highly effective for various treatment applications including retrofits, new construction and green infrastructure. Our range of cost-effective, durable products are designed to meet increasingly stringent pollution control regulations and best management practices for municipal and commercial stormwater markets.
We offer sustainable, simple-to-maintain filtration solutions to meet virtually any stormwater pollution control challenge. Innovative technology. Proven performance. Unbeatable quality and value. Discover all the reasons why Fabco gives you…Evolved Stormwater Solutions.