The Top 10 Decentralized Products to Treat Stormwater Close to the Source
Pretreatment BMPs or Underground Retention Applications Support Green Infrastructure
The world sees a wide variety of stormwater related challenges. With so many diverse locations, environments and communities, Fabco Industries has been finding solutions for a number of stormwater problems over the last 20+ years. Here’s a comprehensive list of our top 10 decentralized products for treating stormwater close to the source and how they can be used to protect our environment and look forward to a greener tomorrow, as well as a quick look at some larger solutions for centralized treatment.

Top 10 Decentralized Products – TSS, Trash and Debris

1. StormSack GeoTextile Catch Basin Insert
StormSack is excellent as a prefilter providing an initial filtering step right at the storm drain inlet and before the water is sent to other Stormwater BMP designs such as detention ponds, infiltration areas or other proprietary filter devices. StormSack is easy to install and can be implemented quickly without new construction.

2. ScreenBox Grate Inlet Skimmer
ScreenBox is a grate inlet skimmer box designed to trap sediment and debris, all while allowing runoff water to pass through the filter and exit through the storm drain system. The ScreenBox can be used for many typical applications, such as parking lots, commercial properties, roadway surfaces as well as stormwater “hot spots,” such as transportation centers, vehicle maintenance facilities, gas stations/fueling locations and industrial applications.

3. Connector Pipe Screen Trash and Debris Trap
A Connector Pipe Screen (CPS) is a catch basin insert trash capture filter device. Unlike other catch basin inserts that are typically installed closer to the inlet (under the drain grate or below the curb opening), CPS inserts are installed in front of the catch basin’s outlet pipe – trapping trash and debris inside the catch basin while allowing filtered stormwater to exit into the storm drain infrastructure.
Click here to learn more about Fabco’s Connector Pipe Screen

4. Trench Drain Inlet Filter
The Fabco Trench Drain Inlet Filter is configured to fit within most flat bottomed trench drain inlets. The simple design traps sediment, trash and debris within the trench while allowing runoff water to pass through the filter and exit through the storm drain system.

5. Expanding StormRing Pipe Mounted Screening Device
The Fabco Industries Expanding StormRing product line is a pipe mounted screening device that features an expanding ring that goes into the outlet pipe opening, and allows you to torque a bolt until the ring is tightly secured onto the pipe. The expanding ring requires no power tools or drilling of existing structures, making installation and maintenance easy.

6. Beehive Rain Garden Overflow Filter
The Rain Garden Overflow filter captures either the first inch or a specific water quality volume for treatment. Rain gardens are generally designed to only capture either the first inch of runoff or some specific Water Quality Volume (WQv) for treatment. Fabco’s Beehive, or Rain Garden Overflow Filter, is the perfect solution for this application. It can be added to capture floatables and solids in any type of round bypass or overflow structure.
Click here to learn more about Fabco’s Beehive Overflow Filter
Top 10 Decentralized Products – Finer Particulate, Nutrients, Heavy Metals, Oil & Grease, and Coliform Bacteria

7. StormBasin Cartridge Based Inlet Filter
The StormBasin is a cartridge based inlet filtration system designed to capture and retain pollutants such as sediment, trash, vegetation, nutrients, coliform bacteria, oil/grease and dissolved metals entering common storm drain inlets such as those you see in parking lots or alongside roadways.

8. Above Ground DownSpout Filter
DownSpout Filters treat particulates and soluble pollutants contained in runoff water from rooftops. The Fabco DownSpout Filter is an industrial stormwater treatment system designed to treat particulates and soluble pollutants contained in runoff water from roof tops. This product is perfect for industrial facilities that deal with waste treatment, metal recycling etc.

9. Below Ground DownSpout Filter
DownSpout Filters treat particulates and soluble pollutants contained in runoff water from rooftops. The Fabco DownSpout Filter is an industrial stormwater treatment system designed to treat particulates and soluble pollutants contained in runoff water from roof tops. This product is perfect for industrial facilities that deal with waste treatment, metal recycling etc.
Top 10 Decentralized Products – Pre-Treatment Mechanism to Capture Silt, Sediment and Certain Pollutants

10. FocalPoint High Flow BioFiltration System
FocalPoint is a scalable biofiltration system with high flow rate, box-shaped underdrain that can be constructed for water detention, retention/infiltration and recycling/harvesting.
FocalPoint’s next generation high-flow biofiltration system is the key to its high performance. This advanced media technology provides high flow rates and best available pollutant removal rates for common stormwater pollutants and as an option can be modified for enhanced performance on certain targeted pollutants. FocalPoint’s reliable, high performance biofiltration enables reduced footprints, new application options and lower installation and maintenance costs.
The Top Two Centralized Products to Treat Stormwater Close to the Source – High Flow, High Capacity Downstream Treatment, New Construction and One Stop Maintenance

1. StormSafe Cartridge Based Filter Vault
The StormSafe Filter Cartridge Vault System are ideal for central drainage areas that require stormwater treatment beyond simple gross pollutants and trash removal. By utilizing the same proven filter technology from the StormBasin product line, the StormSafe Cartridge Vault can reduce concentrations of targeted stormwater pollutants in a cost-effective manner.

2. Helix Filter Treatment Vault System
The Fabco Helix Vault is has a two-step treatment process that incorporates an inlet chamber used to reduce clogging from sediments and debris, and a secondary treatment chamber that houses Fabco’s Helix filter elements. Coarse pollutants contained in the stormwater runoff is captured upfront. The pre-treated water exiting the first chamber will keep the Helix filters cleaner, helping maintain flow rates and effectiveness while minimizing the need for maintenance.