FabMax Hydrocarbon Stormwater Filter Treatment Technology
Filtration System for Removing Hydrocarbons in Stormwater, Industrial Wastewater, and Municipal Wastewater Applications
FabMax is a patented polymeric surfactant technology that is infused into all FabMax Technologies water filtering media. FabMax is designed as a Hydrocarbon Stormwater Filter Treatment to remove hydrocarbons ranging from BTEX to crude oil, PAH, sheen, chlorinated solvents, PCBs, organic solvents, pesticides & biocides, and organically bound metals from wastewater.
Materials Captured by FabMax
Hydrocarbon Stormwater Filter Treatment
- Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX & PAH)
- Aliphatic Hydrocarbons & Solvents
- Crude Oil & Fuel/Sheen
- Cycloalkanes
- Chlorinated Organics
- Pesticides & Persistent Organic Pollutants (PCBs, Dixin, Furan, DDT< Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Mirex & Toxaphene)
- Organic Polymers
- Vegetable Oils & Animal Fats
- Colloidal Heavy Metals
- Silicone Oil
How Does FabMax Hydrocarbon Stormwater Filter Treatment Work?
FabMax chemistry is infused so that it is homogeneously dispersed throughout our open cell foam material. As oils and hydrocarbon compounds flow through the foam, and come in contact with the FabMax, they are solubilized into the coating, making them hydrophobic and thickening them so they will not re-disperse into the solution. The treated FabMax filter media instantly bonds with these compounds on contact removing 99+% from the water in a single pass. FabMax filter media is effective on both semi-soluble or insoluble pollutants preventing the captured contamination from separating, emulsifying, or releasing once contained.
It is a non-hazardous / nontoxic material that will not dissolve or migrate in water. It has been declared compliant to section 300.915 of the NCP by the EPA. It has also been found by California Fish & Game to be nontoxic and is approved for oil spill cleanup.
How Much Water Can Be Treated With A FabMax Filter?
FABMAX filters are totally unaffected by the amount of water passing through them. They will only become saturated with the oil compounds dispersed in the water.
FABMAX is unique in its ability to maintain high flow rates while removing hydrocarbon compounds. The filters do not increase head pressure or plug up when they fully saturate. Once saturated, the filter will not be able to remove any further contamination from solution and will simply allow it to bypass.
How To Dispose of Used FabMax Filter Media Safely
The used materials must be disposed of according to local, state and federal regulations. The products are excellent for disposal using incineration because of their low water absorption, low ash content (less than .2%), and high BTU value, if non-hazardous oil or flammable fluids are absorbed.
Click Here to See A StormBasin Cartridge Filter Installation